
Hello, I am

Tyler Brown

M.S. Data Analytics

About Me?

Self-Learning Recent Graduate with MS in Data Analysis

Recent graduate in data analytics with a passion for using data to drive business insights and decision-making. Strong analytical skills and real world experience using in a variety of data analysis tools and technologies, including SQL, Python, and Excel. In his previous internships and academic projects, I have been able to learn at a high level the ability to collect, clean, and analyze large datasets, as well as communicate findings in clear and effective ways to diverse audiences. Seeking a role that will utilize my skills and experience to make a meaningful impact in a data-driven organization.

Personal Info

  • Birthdate : 09/15/1998
  • Email :
  • Phone : + (603) 289-6022
  • Location : Littleton, NH


Machine Learning

Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Forecasting

Python Packages

Pandas, Numpy, Scikit, Seaborn


Data Mining, Wrangling, Cleansing, Manipulation, Storytelling, Visualization,Anomaly Detection, Advanced Querying, Dashboarding, EDA

My Resume


May 2022 - August 2022

Data + Analytics (Intern)


  • Enable sales team to be first to market with actionable insights for PBNA products and spatial customer demographics.
  • Prioritized Snowflake optimization in an evolving work environment providing data driven solutions to cross-function teams and executives.
  • Analyzed top products to sell based on propensity scores.
  • Re-engineered model in localized Jupyter notebook to fit dynamic inputs based on business needs.
  • Presented data findings to top executives at PepsiCo at headquarters in White Plains, New York.


Reporting / Data Analysis

Old Cobblers Farm

  • Data and reporting analyst for an e-commerce brand is responsible for collecting, organizing, and analyzing data from various sources to inform business decisions and optimize operations
  • Tracked churned customers to provide potential oppurtunities for continued relations.
  • Designing, developing, and maintaining dashboards and reports to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends


2021 - 2022

M.S. Data Analytics GPA: 3.5


  • Descriptive Statistics and Analytics
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Data Visualization and Presentation
  • The Data Analytics Life Cycle
  • Agile Scrum Management Techniques
  • Evaluate data sources to verify data using the data analytics lifecycle
  • Compile and interpret big data to design more effective business systems
  • Use data to make predictions, assess risk and solve problems
  • Report data findings and present solutions to key stakeholders

2016 - 2020

B.S Strategic Marketing GPA: 3.3


  • Finite Math or Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Financial Accounting
  • Management Accounting
  • Business Computer Applications
  • Organizational Communications
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Business Law
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Financial Management
  • Information Technology
  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Strategic Management




Baseball (Division 2 Varsity Athlete)
Real Estate (2 Units)

My Projects

Cole vs Corbin Burnes EDA/Probability Calculator

Project utilizes SQL/ Python to create a dynamic probability calculator that allows you to take a deep dive into different pitch statisics.Such as:

  • Spin rate metrics
  • Velocity Metrics
  • Deviation of Pitches
  • Histogram distribution visualization
In this project I was able to perform an exploritory data analysis looking at different pitches and how the velocity and spin changes.I as able to mine the underperforming games that Corbin Burnes had to see how likely the velocity and spin rate for those particular games were. This could be taken a step further if you take in the game to game statistics to see how velo and spin rate relate to success in game. The data was collected and cleansed using python statcast package to pull the data. A series of stored procedures and .format in python was what enabled the script to be dynamic.


Classic Titanic ML (GBC)

This machine learning project was done using Gradient Boost Classifier returning a train score of .9079 in cross validation. This model had binary target variables of survived (1) and died (0). GBC predicted that 73 deaths versus acutal of 84 deaths. The model scored a .73 recall survived and .91 recall deaths. The precision score came out to .85 dead and .84 for survived. The total accuracy of the model was 0.843.


Jordan vs Lebron

With a passion for data and arriving conclusions I have always wanted to gain more experience with different technologies as I grow. This particular project could have been done with an excel sheet but I wanted to apply some of the knowledge I have picked up through codeacademy to an analysis. The technologies I chose were Python and SQL. Python is great for collection of data using the bs4 package so I applied that and was able to loop through a series of names and different link ids to get the span of time the player played in the nba. I then took that data and stored it in SQL so it could be easily queried from juypter notebook. Within python I was able to utilize the queries in SQL to my advantage when performing data manipulation. This made it seamless to create different visualizations. From this experience I gained a lot of knowledge about working through a clean notebook. I also picked up man data engineering skills while working with different structures to make the analysis smooth. This also helped me refresh on some familiar topics such as matplotlib, pandas and seaborn. In this analysis I used new visualizations to explore the data.


Tableau Dashboards

This is a link to my Tableau public page which contains some of my own work. Data collected in the dashboards are all real world data collected and cleansed by myself.

  • Calculated Fields
  • SQL connection
  • Dashboard Creation
  • KPIs
  • Summary Statistics


SQL Analysis/Querying Examples

This is a general respository showing off my SQL code that I have developed for a small e-commerce company as well as general practice.


SNHU Baseball Ensemble Learning

This project I did on my collegiate baseball team to predict the amount of runs scored against and runs batted in. For this project I took in two different ML models to predict each outcome logistic regression (runs scored against SNHU) and Random Forest (runs batted in for SNHU). Throughout this analysis I explore correlations, distributions and box plot (for outlier detection) away from the model and assessment itself.


OCF Customer Demographics

This project was an analysis on a small e-commerce store that sells on Amazon, Shopify, eBay and Etsy The goal of this project was to get a better understanding of the customers we are serving as well as warehouse optimization for products. This project takes in data from multiple sources to extract the best information from the data as we can. The technologies used to assist this was Python and MySQL Workbench.


Get in touch

Phone :
(603) 289-6022
Address :
67 Point of View
Email :